Our Story

Our Mission

To serve the Warfighter Community by providing programs and services that foster the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual independence of our service members, combat Veterans, their Caregivers, families, and Allies who served alongside them in combat, achieved through:

  • innovative mobility and adaptive technologies and therapies for combat Veterans;
  • Suicide prevention;
  • Caregiver and family support;
  • Veteran advocacy with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, other government agencies, federal and state legislators, and other partners.

Our Vision

We believe every service member, Veteran, Caregiver, their families, and Allies who served alongside our troops, who have been impacted by their service to our nation, deserve to have their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual independence restored.

Support Our Mission

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Your donation gives Veterans, their families, and Caregivers a better SHOT toward independence.