Join the Everyday Heroes Alliance

Monthly donations are a critical part of the support The Independence Fund depends on to help Veterans each day. Knowing gifts are coming in regularly allows for the programming and outreach Veterans, their families, and their Caregivers depend on.

there are Veterans...

  • Suffering with mobility limitations and a loss of independence.

  • Working through mental illness challenges caused by PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injuries, and more.

  • Wanting to feel whole again by engaging with family and friends and getting back into hobbies. 


Everyday a there are family members 

  • Providing unconditional love and support to a hero no matter the personal cost.

  • Walking alongside a hero through their unique recovery journey.

  • Joining the fight at home to help their hero battle obstacles to healing. 


Everyday a Caregiver...

  • Selflessly works to meet their Veteran’s needs for support.

  • Prioritizes their Veteran’s recovery over their own needs. 


On behalf of these Veterans, their families, and their Caregivers, consider Being a Hero for a Hero with The Independence Fund’s Everyday Heroes Alliance by committing a monthly donation today!


Your donation gives Veterans, their families, and Caregivers a better SHOT toward independence. 

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